racks de Canon without door 800 x 1000 x 45 U

Brand: Canon ID: 269
PRICE (Exworks):
$248 (Taxes if applicable not included)
Category: Subcategory: Country: Spain City:
Madrid, Comunidad de
Size (Lenght, Width, Height in cm):
800 x 1000 x 45 U
Do Not Accept Returns
State of the Equipment:
Self Declaration of Product Performance by Owner:
Working properly with no maintenance documentation
Type of facility where is installed:
Data center
CIRKLA can carry out an independent audit to confirm the state of the goods. Click here to make your request.


44 units: racks de Canon 800 x 1000 x 45 U /without door

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44 units: racks de Canon 800 x 1000 x 45 U /without door