The price shown is for both UPS. 2 x UPS Riello Muti Power-Cabinet MPW 300 PWC are for sale 1. UPS: 2. UPS: 7 Power Modules 8 Power Modules Commission year of each battery module: Module1: 2021 Module1: 2021x Module2: 2015 Module2: 2019x Module3: 2018 Module3: 2018x Module4: 2015 Module4: 2018x Module5: 2021 Module5: 2015 Module6: 2015 Module6: 2015 Module7: 2015 Module7: 2015 Module8: 2015 Manueller Bypass-Schalter Manueller Bypass-Schalter Control Panel Control Panel Touch Screen Display Touch Screen Display Commissioning: 2015 Commissioning: 2015 Last maintenance: 2021 Last maintenance: 2021 Decommissioned: 2021 Decommissioned:2021 UPS completely: 11.850€ UPS completely: 13.050€ Single Modules: Commission year: 15/16 1.000€ 18/19 1.350€ 20/21 1.500€ In total: 24.900€ The system was regularly maintained, the logs are in the PDF. The object of purchase is sold with the exclusion of any warranty. The status of the batteries is very good because the system has only been running for about a year and not in full-load operation, more details are in the logs. Purchase price excluding VAT and transport costs. Visitation, near Munich possible.
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charged at sight
The price shown is for both UPS. 2 x UPS Riello Muti Power-Cabinet MPW 300 PWC are for sale 1. UPS: 2. UPS: 7 Power Modules 8 Power Modules Commission year of each battery module: Module1: 2021 Module1: 2021x Module2: 2015 Module2: 2019x Module3: 2018 Module3: 2018x Module4: 2015 Module4: 2018x Module5: 2021 Module5: 2015 Module6: 2015 Module6: 2015 Module7: 2015 Module7: 2015 Module8: 2015 Manueller Bypass-Schalter Manueller Bypass-Schalter Control Panel Control Panel Touch Screen Display Touch Screen Display Commissioning: 2015 Commissioning: 2015 Last maintenance: 2021 Last maintenance: 2021 Decommissioned: 2021 Decommissioned:2021 UPS completely: 11.850€ UPS completely: 13.050€ Single Modules: Commission year: 15/16 1.000€ 18/19 1.350€ 20/21 1.500€ In total: 24.900€ The system was regularly maintained, the logs are in the PDF. The object of purchase is sold with the exclusion of any warranty. The status of the batteries is very good because the system has only been running for about a year and not in full-load operation, more details are in the logs. Purchase price excluding VAT and transport costs. Visitation, near Munich possible.